Rodolfo Domenico Pizzinga








Oh! O que aconteceu?

Era verde... Peguei fogo.

Era são... Cultuei diogo.

Sadio... Acabei sandeu.


Oh! O que aconteceu?

Era rei... Mas abdiquei.

Era casto... Mas pequei.

Afinal... Quem sou eu?


Desejei e fui vendendo.

Rumo norte, rumo sul,

fui urdindo o meu paul.


Almejei e fui cedendo.

Perambulei! Vencerei?











Fundo Musical:

It Was a Very Good Year (Ervin Drake)
Intérprete: Frank Sinatra



When I was seventeen,
It was a very good year.
It was a very good year for small town girls
And soft summer nights;
We'd hide from the lights
On the village green...
When I was seventeen!

When I was twenty-one,
It was a very good year.
It was a very good year for city girls
Who lived up the stair;
With all that perfumed hair
And it came undone...
When I was twenty-one!

When I was thirty-five,
It was a very good year.
It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means;
We'd ride in limousines
Their chauffeurs would drive...
When I was thirty-five!

But now the days grow short,
I'm in the autumn of the year.
And now, I think of my life as vintage wine
From fine old kegs;
From the brim to the dregs
And it poured sweet and clear...
It was a very good year!

(It was a mess of good years!)


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