Rodolfo Domenico Pizzinga
Mr. Donald John Trump.
You deserved it and will indeed be
the 47th President of the United States.
But, I repeat and insist: it is not "Make America Great Again"!
This is not perfectly correct. We are all One.
Everything is quantumly entangled.
All Hearts are quantumly entwined.
The misfortune of Humanity is the Great Heresy of Separateness.
You, Mr. President, and all of us must fight and, definitively,
eliminate forever from the house in which we live:
• all forms of separateness;
• all forms of selfishness and personalism;
• all forms of attachment, mirages and illusions;
• all forms of delusions, greed and passions;
• all forms of privileges and perks;
• all forms of surplus value and profit;
For someone to get rich, someone else will have to get poor.
• all forms of corruption and unfair advantage;
Bernard Lawrence
Madoff (April 29, 1938 – April 14, 2021) was an
American financial criminal and financier who was the admitted mastermind
of the largest known Ponzi Scheme in history, worth an estimated
$65 billion.
• all forms of prejudice;
• all forms of slavery;
• all forms of blood diamond trade;
• all forms of human exploitation;
• all forms of perjury and lies;
• all forms of betrayal, disloyalty and perfidy;
Robert Philip
Hanssen (April 18, 1944 – June 5, 2023)
[Was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent who spied
for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States
from 1979 to 2001. His espionage was described by the Department of Justice
as possibly the
worst intelligence disaster in U.S. history.]
• all forms of criticism and offense;
• all forms of hypothetical imperatives;
• all forms of iniquity;
• all forms of pollution and disrespect for the environment;
Climate change due to global warming is a fact. There is no point in denying it.
Plastic Island that floats in the Pacific Ocean.
• all forms of disrespect
to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Earthly Hierarchies;
• all forms of disharmony and planetary destruction;
Destruction of the Amazon
• all forms of disease, hunger, abandonment and poverty;
• all forms of crime and violence;
• all forms of dictatorship and exceptional regimes;
• all forms of discord, war and genocide;
Quosque tandem abutere, don Putin and don Bibi, patientia nostra?
• all forms of abuse against women and children;
• all forms of trafficking (people, animals, weapons, drugs etc.);
• all forms of business with god and retrogressive dogmas;
• all forms of spurious concordats;
The Signing
of the Reichskonkordat
on July 20, 1933, in Rome.
(From left to right: German prelate Ludwig Kaas, German Vice-Chancellor
Franz von Papen,
Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo, Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli,
Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani and German Ambassador Rudolf Buttmann.)
• all forms of fear and superstition;
• all forms of black magic;
• all forms of isolationism;
• all forms of 'cousism';
• all forms of 'fiat voluntas mea';
• all forms of 'svmmvm malvm';
• all forms of 'eikasia';
• all forms of regression;
• all forms of denialism; and
• all forms of unlove, hatred and cruelty.
America, and indeed no country, will be great
if the whole world is not great too.
No one is alone nor can live alone.
Everything is quantumly entangled.
All Hearts are quantumly entwined.
God Bless America,
God Bless you, Mr. President,
and God Bless your Government.
Rio de Janeiro, Thursday, November 7, 2024.
Música de fundo:
The House I Live In
Composição: Abel Meeropol & Earl Robinson
Interpretação: Frank Sinatra (Live At Madison Square Garden/October 13, 1974)Fonte:
There is only one God
We are all One
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